In this help article you will find information on the features and capabilities of your SpamExperts Portal
Note: To access the SpamExperts Portal refer to Accessing SpamExperts Portal article.
This article contains the following sections:
- Differences between Domain level and Email-user level access
- Walkthrough of SpamExperts Dashboard on Domain level
- Walkthrough of SpamExperts Dashboard on Email-user level
I. Differences between Domain level and Email-user level access
- Domain level - with this type of access, you have the ability to manage the spam filtering settings for the entire domain and all users under that domain. Changes that are applied here, would affect all users under the domain.
- Email-user level - with this type of access, you can manage the settings only for its respective mail account and any change that are made would apply only for that particular email.
II. Walkthrough of SpamExperts Dashboard on Domain level
Upon entering the Domain level portal, you would be presented with the Dashboard (the main page). The Dashboard is separated in multiple sections. Each section contains variety of features.
1. Domains
- Domain ownership - Here you can use different features for domains that belong to you. Adding a domain in the list will provide you a CNAME record that you need to add to the DNS configuration of your domain.
2. Incoming
- Log search: Provides an overview of the messages received, blocked and temporarily
rejected. Search on various strings and options, including sender, recipient, subject, message ID,sender host and sender’s IP. - Spam Quarantine: Easily block spam or release and train the messages as non-spam.
- Incoming delivery queue: View the email that cannot be temporarily delivered to the destination mail server.
- Domain settings: Set the maximum bounces, enable/disable logging for invalid recipients, and set accessible/inaccessible logging days for your domain.
- Domain statistics:View the statistics (spam ratio of total messages), general accuracy, non-spam
messages, unsure messages, spam messages blocked, viruses blocked, whitelisted, blacklisted) for a given time frame (Hours, Days, Weeks, Months, Years). - Filter settings: Control the activation of the quarantine system.
Manage the domain list & IP addresses with disabled SPF check – Set the list of domains/IPs to
skip the SPF (Sender Policy Framework) check. Other checks still apply when adding IPs here. - Report spam: Drag and drop or upload messages you wish to classify as spam for training.
- Report not spam: Drag and drop or upload messages you wish to classify as non-spam
(ham) for training.
3. Server
- API calls history: Here you can check the history of the SpamExperts Control Panel API calls by selecting a time-frame, type of API call and client username.
4. Protection report
- On-demand domain report: Here you can generate a protection report for a specified date range, and send it to the specified email address. This form will trigger the creation of the report; the actual delivery may take several minutes, depending on the size of the report.
- Periodic domain report: Here you can control the activation of the protection report, the recipient, the frequency, the language and the format in which the report is presented to you.
- Periodic user report: Here you can find a list of all report recipients and enable the reports for them. You may add a new recipient here and edit or delete existing recipients
- Domain report actions: Here you can select the actions that you wish to be available in your Protection Report. The choices here will apply to your domain level report and also to any email user reports that do not have custom settings.
5. Email restrictions
- Attachment restrictions: Here you can specify which emails should be blocked based on the extension of the files attached or the contents of the attachments.
- Email size restriction: Here you can set the maximum size for incoming and outgoing emails to be accepted by the filtering system.
6. Whitelist/Blacklist
- Sender whitelist: Here you have the option to add and delete whitelisted senders. To whitelist a full domain, simply add the domainname without @. To whitelist an entire TLD use "*" as a wildcard (e.g. for anything from .nl add "*.nl", without the quotes).
- Recipient whitelist: Here you have the option to add and delete whitelisted recipients. Email directed to whitelisted recipients will bypass all filters.
- Sender blacklist: Here you have the option to add and delete blacklisted senders. To blacklist a full domain, simply add the domainname without @. To blacklist an entire TLD use "*" as a wildcard (e.g. for anything from .nl add "*.nl", without the quotes).
- Recipient blacklist: Here you have the option to add and delete blacklisted recipients. Email directed to blacklisted recipients will be blocked.
7. Webinterface users
- Manage email users: Here you can manage web interface access for individual email recipients (email users) here. These can log in to the control panel with their email address and password and are able to manage their own settings. Adding or removing email users has no effect on the actual email processing; this page only allows you to manage individual access to the web interface.
- Manage permissions: Here you can manage permissions for available resources on this server. Each resource usually can be accessed via 4 possible HTTP methods. GET method is used for viewing data. POST method is used for new entries creation. PUT method is used for existing entries modification. DELETE method is used for entries deletion. On this page you may control permissions for users managed by you.
8. My account
- User's profile: Here you can manage your Domain level account settings.
- Compose email: Here you can compose email and send it directly within the Dashboard.
III. Walkthrough of SpamExperts Portal on Email-user level
Upon entering the Domain level portal, you would be presented with the Dashboard (the main page). The Dashboard is separated on section. Each section contains variety of features.
1. Incoming
- Log search: Provides an overview of the messages received, blocked and temporarily rejected. Search on various strings and options, including sender, recipient, subject, message ID,sender host and sender’s IP.
- Spam Quarantine: Easily block spam or release and train the messages as non-spam.
- Incoming delivery queue: View the email that cannot be temporarily delivered to the destination mail server.
- Report spam: Drag and drop or upload messages you wish to classify as spam for training.
- Report not spam: Drag and drop or upload messages you wish to classify as non-spam
(ham) for training.
2. Protection report
- Periodic user report: Here you can enable the p eriodic user reports and edit or delete the report recipient.
3. Whitelist/Blacklist
- Sender whitelist: Here you have the option to add and delete whitelisted senders. To whitelist a full domain, simply add the domainname without @. To whitelist an entire TLD use "*" as a wildcard (e.g. for anything from .nl add "*.nl", without the quotes).
- Recipient whitelist: Here you have the option to whitelist or unwhitelist the email address ''. Email directed to whitelisted recipients will bypass all filters.
- Sender blacklist: Here you have the option to add and delete blacklisted senders. To blacklist a full domain, simply add the domainname without @. To blacklist an entire TLD use "*" as a wildcard (e.g. for anything from .nl add "*.nl", without the quotes).
4. My account
- User's profile: Here you can manage your Email-user level account settings.
- Compose email: Here you can compose email and send it directly within the Dashboard.